"Thy grace can melt the worst sinner, and I am as vile as he;
Yet Thou hast made me a monument of mercy,
A trophy of redeeming power . . ."
-Valley of Vision
In John 4, Jesus meets the woman at the well. She was so covered in shame that she had to draw her water when no one else was around to see her. But one day, she met Jesus. He talked to her - a woman living in sin. He saw her, loved her, and made her a trophy of His redeeming power. Jesus offered her living water that truly satisfied. He gave her life that was so much more abundant than anything could have imagined. What grace!
She was changed that day, and she couldn't keep such grace to herself. Because of her testimony, many came to know Jesus. But what hit me as I read this passage was verse 42, when the people tell her that "It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this One is indeed the Savior of the world."
She had become a trophy of His grace. Not so that everyone could gaze at her, but so that they would look past her to the Savior. They would see that He took a shame-filled sinner and gave her freedom and life, and they would look to Him to do the same for them. They would be in awe of this Savior of the world.
I long for Jesus to make me a trophy of His grace. I praise Him that He takes the vilest sinners and loves them, transforms them, and brings Himself glory through them.
What a Savior!
Yet Thou hast made me a monument of mercy,
A trophy of redeeming power . . ."
-Valley of Vision
In John 4, Jesus meets the woman at the well. She was so covered in shame that she had to draw her water when no one else was around to see her. But one day, she met Jesus. He talked to her - a woman living in sin. He saw her, loved her, and made her a trophy of His redeeming power. Jesus offered her living water that truly satisfied. He gave her life that was so much more abundant than anything could have imagined. What grace!
She was changed that day, and she couldn't keep such grace to herself. Because of her testimony, many came to know Jesus. But what hit me as I read this passage was verse 42, when the people tell her that "It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this One is indeed the Savior of the world."
She had become a trophy of His grace. Not so that everyone could gaze at her, but so that they would look past her to the Savior. They would see that He took a shame-filled sinner and gave her freedom and life, and they would look to Him to do the same for them. They would be in awe of this Savior of the world.
I long for Jesus to make me a trophy of His grace. I praise Him that He takes the vilest sinners and loves them, transforms them, and brings Himself glory through them.
What a Savior!