How do we learn this secret? Sometimes it's easier said than done, but here are several ways to embrace today:
Remember Who God Is
In my first grade Sunday School class, we've been learning some of the names of God. It has been so incredible to meditate on what His names tell us about Him. The last couple weeks, we've been learning that God is Jehovah Jireh. He is our God who provides. We can trust that God is going to give us every single thing we need. For me, this is hard when I look around and see people who are enjoying a season of life that I wish I could have. But that season is not what God has given me, so it's not what I need right now. And during this season that I'm in, He is going to be enough to satisfy my desires and provide for my needs. I have a sign in my kitchen that says, "And if not, He is still good." Even if He chooses not to give me what I long for, He is always, always good.Remember the Gospel
I've been challenged lately to preach the Gospel to my heart every day. Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, our biggest need has been taken care of. No matter how hard life is, if we have trusted Christ for salvation, we have fellowship with the Creator of the universe. We know that someday, we will live with Him forever and He will wipe away every tear. That is what should bring comfort to our hearts during the hardest days. And that truth will motivate us to embrace today, trusting that He is going to use it for good.Serve Others
It's hard to sit around and complain about life if you're serving others out of a heart of love. God has called us to put aside our own desires and needs in order to serve those around us - especially our brothers and sisters in Christ. Choosing to trust that God is going to provide for our needs will free us to focus on showing love to others. I've been challenged lately to serve joyfully even when I don't feel like it, and to make sure that my service is done in love. I've found that my love isn't sufficient. I may serve, but I'm tempted to do it with a complaining heart or a proud attitude. I've been asking God to change my heart and give me His love for those around me. Embracing the life I have now means embracing and serving those that God has put in my path, and doing it with a loving heart.
Be Thankful
God has called us to be thankful in every circumstance. No matter what is going on in life, we can choose thankfulness. This means taking our eyes off of our difficulties and putting them on our Savior. When we get lost in how beautiful and glorious He is, we won't be able to keep from praising Him. Our hearts will be filled with thankfulness for Who He is and what He has done.
So let's embrace the gift that today is, resting in Who God is and what He has done, and serving others with a thankful, joyful heart. Because His mercy is new every morning, this is how we can live.