
Monday, January 25, 2016


I know we've moved past posts about New Year's Resolutions and such.  But here's another one, even though we're getting close to being done with January.

Actually, it's not about resolutions.  For the most part, I've given up on resolutions; whether that's good or bad, I'm not sure.  I definitely think they have their place, and as believers we are to pursue holiness and determine in our hearts to walk in His ways.  I have found that I'm pretty terrible at keeping resolutions though, and end up feeling discouraged and defeated.

So this year, instead of having resolutions, I have a word of the year.

The word I chose to focus on this year is brokenness.

I know how to live a "perfect" Christian life.  I know the right Bible answers to give people and how to look like I have it all together.

But if I'm doing all the right things just to make myself look good to others, while ignoring the true condition of my heart, then I'm in a bad place.

Brokenness means being honest with God and with others.  It means being humble and admitting when I've disobeyed God and seeking His forgiveness and redemption and taking necessary steps of repentance.  It means asking others for help and accountability.

If I'm not willing to be broken, I won't experience the abundant life that Christ promises those who follow Him.  If I don't humble myself before God, I won't experience a close relationship with Him or true, sweet fellowship with other believers.

So my prayer for 2016 is that God would help me to be broken, and that through brokenness I would know Him better and walk in true holiness.

I recently finished reading Brokenness by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, and it has helped me better understand the biblical definition of brokenness, as well as it's importance in the life of a believer.  I would encourage you to read it if you get the chance!  You will be challenged as well as encouraged in your walk with God.

Do you have a word for this year?

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