
Friday, November 13, 2015


Sometimes it's a crazy, fast-paced schedule that makes you weary.

Other times it's emotional pain that doesn't seem to be going away.  Or a struggle against a sin that is intense and leaves you wanting to just give up.

Maybe it's anxiety or loss of control or relationships that are broken.

There is much in this sin-cursed world that brings weariness to our souls.

But I think the biggest cause for weariness is not leaving all of those things in the hands of our faithful Creator.  It's forgetting that He is still good, still sovereign, still loving -- no matter what.

Not for a moment will He forsake those who are His.

After all You are constant
After all You are only good
After all You are sovereign
Not for a moment will You forsake me
-Not for a Moment by Meredith Andrews


Kat said...

Yes! Truth. We are not meant to carry such heavy burdens, but to let him carry us. Thanks!

Kadie @ Keeper At Home said...

Oh yes! True rest comes in the arms of our Lord!