"Teach me Your way, O LORD, that I may walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name." Psalm 68:11
My heart is so easily distracted. Fears, emotions, dreams, goals . . . all these things often take my focus off of God.
It is so easy to go my own way, not even trying to seek His way. The temptation to listen to lies from the enemy is strong, and I forget to listen to and walk in His Truth.
In being distracted by all these things, some of which are good things, I look up and realize that I haven't been living my life in the fear of God.
I remember the story of Mary and Martha. Martha was so distracted by so many things, like service and even her own emotions. Mary chose to focus her heart on the Truth Jesus spoke.
Lord, let me be like Mary, refusing to be so distracted and instead choosing to listen to and follow You. Unite my heart to fear Your name.
". . .but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42

Nicely done, Mandy.
I'm definitely a Martha. I would have made sure that the rations were distributed, everyone was hydrated, and that we'd set out overwatch and perimeter security...
Oh, wait. Dinner party, and the Taliban aren't coming. Ah, well.
But I'm still Martha.
36at FMF this week.
Visiting from FMF. I love your take on the word unite. It is so easy to be distracted and to lose that wholehearted focus on God that Mary had.
all those things you feel, God wants to hear about them, they can be your focus with him. He has given you emotions, dreams, goals let him walk you through them, focusing on them with him as your co-pilot will bring peace and rest to your heart.
I've been thinking of this account from Scripture recently as well! Definitely convicted by my many distractions as well! Thank you for this challenging reminder, and for linking up with FMF!
This is a sweet and gentle reminder, Mandy! Recently a Jesus-sister shared with me about a woman who had come to their church for a time, and it soon became evident that she "came to serve, but not to be poured into." It was an interesting observation, and a convicting one for me. I easily fall into "Martha mode," but it has been hard for me, in some seasons, to be open (translate: vulnerable!) for others to speak into my life, as well. Such a beautiful way to treat the word "unite!"
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